
Occupational Safety and Health Risk Management

Safety and Health Policy

The Best and Safest Workplace 
TeraPower monitors occupational safety and health. We established an organization that divides internal responsibility and execution and communicates our experiences with headquarters. To build the best and safest workplace, we continue to promote and improve safety culture and risk management measures, and occupational disease prevention in response to the expectations and requirements of internal and external stakeholders . Furthermore, we formulated the "TeraPower Environmental Safety and Health Policy" based on the comprehensive development of ISO 14001 and ISO 45001 management systems. We strive to promote the overall safety awareness of the company by executing the environmental, safety, and health management system.


Safe Working Environment / Emergency Response Training

We established a chemical safety management system, contractor construction management system, safety, and health education and training program, emergency response training program and personnel accident notification mechanism, etc., to prevent hazardous incidents and move towards zero disasters.

We also promoted the transparent activities of the Emergency Response Team (ERT), regularly trained personnel in response capabilities, and conducted various hazard handling drills to achieve initial disaster prevention.  


Employee Health Care

Diversified Care Plan  
We constructed a health care mechanism and established a comfortable health center. We also provided a diverse care plan for colleagues to safeguard workplace health. In addition, we employed professional nurses and specialist physicians to provide personal health consulting services and promote health care together to enhance employees'physical and mental health.

Finally, we diversified health promotion activities from time to time to enhance employees' health awareness.   

Human Resources
Contact Information


No. 20, Wenhua Road, Hsinchu Industrial Zone, Hukou Township, Hsinchu County
